Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Elf Antics December 4th

The cardinal rule for The Elf on the Shelf is to make sure children don't see who moves the elf each day.  

This point was drummed into the recruits heads but Erf could not refrain from returning to the scene just as the little boy Wrascal (that's his name, seriously) walked in and discovered the elf on his shelf.

Erf tried to hide behind the pillows in hopes of not being discovered and fortunately Wrascal was so excited, he failed to notice.

Mystery, however, had followed Erf to try and keep him out of trouble and witnessed the entire incident.  Uh oh!  Will she tell?

This is my third post for the Elf Antics Linky Challenge at DL.Art.  Take a photo of your elf and come join the fun!


  1. Oh dear! And Erf was showing so much promise yesterday too. I do hope Mystery keeps that information to herself. Time will tell...

  2. Whoops! This could have been a disaster! Good thing Wrascal was distracted enough not to notice Mystery and Erf!

  3. This could have been a disaster but I am glad Wrascal did not see what was happening! I think they will be more careful next time! Such a cute group!

  4. This could have turned out so much worse. I'm sure Erf and Mystery will be much more careful next time.

  5. Hope moves around on her own when I am not looking it is amazing what she gets up to.Thank you for joining the DL.ART 7th Annual Elf Antics LINKY challenge
    Thank you for your inspiration!!. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.


  6. This has all the makings of a story book with wonderful scenery, furniture, props & the Elves.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  7. I do hope that Mystery will make this a teaching lesson to Erf rather than tell on him ...


Thanks for making my day!