Still hanging in there with the AJ challenges. This is the day I most worried about 'cause were going to dinner and concert tonight in San Jose so it's an abbreviated "work day" for me. Gonna TRY and be short and sweet, but don't hold your breath. LOL Perfect prompt for me today: Scrap Backgrounds with a great tut from Susan available HERE. One of the reasons I freak about art journaling is the thought of messing up a page. I HATE the thought of having some crap page in my journal, but am too cheap to rip the sucker out. This was the ANSWER (besides painting over it, of course, but waiting for paint to dry is like well, waiting for paint to dry.) and a particularly freeing thought for me (in case you missed that huge "FREE" on my page). And scraps? My room is literally covered in scraps so, in a way, I'm multi-tasking, cleaning up (a tad) while I'm creating. WooHoo! Had a little discussion about being free like a butterfly yesterday so the inspiration was set. Cut through one of the scrap pieces with my Spellbinders Wonderful Wings Grand Shapabilites set to show yet another scrap underneath and topped it with the fancy one, attaching the body only so the wings would be FREE. Kept a color scheme going here with scraps mostly from K&Co (I NEVER throw these out). Defined the cut and torn pieces with a bit of doodling and did a bit of stamping as well.
Here's the page I covered over. Look familiar? It was my first attempt at the 3 primary drips from Day 1 and this mess nearly discouraged me from participating at all. I had the 3 sprays ready to go and the first 2 went ok. But the 3rd blue spray was a bit clogged and gave that piddly start. Thought I'd just spray again but picked up the red instead of the blue and after uttering the appropriate amount of obcenities, I decided to turn the page and start over. This page still bugged the shit out of me, though. BUT IT'S GONE NOW! YEA!
Finally, here's a close up of the quote I stamped directly on the page. Thought it was also appropo for the challenge. So I'll leave you with that...gotta run!